Regeneration Pollination SpeedNetworking – Hosted by Refarmers

MP from Refarmers is hosting this week’s edition of the Regeneration Pollination Social Hour!
You are invited to connect with colleagues & allies bringing forth a regenerative future via speed-networking through Zoom chats.
If you are dreaming about a regenerative future come meet others walking the same path.
Cross-pollinate with other networks and expand your support base of allies. Until we can once again meet in person, let us get to know each other better online.
During these one-hour “drop-in” sessions, we’ll organize random, one-on-one video chats so you can meet new people, discover new networks and projects, trade ideas, start relationships and generally strengthen the community making our regenerative future a reality.
The Zoom links for each event can be found on the calendar occasions on our site:
Please share with your networks, interested connections, and regenerative friends. #RegenPollination
Cross-Pollinating Co-Host organizations include:
-Seeds of Tao
-Dig In
-Inquiring Systems Inc.
-The Global Regeneration CoLab (The GRC)
-RASA, the Regenerative Agriculture Sector Accelerator
-Cohousing California
-Aranya Solutions
-Abundant Earth Foundation and
Regeneration Pollination Networking events typically happen on the 1st and 3rd Fridays (10am Pacific) and the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays (5pm Pacific) each month (to help accommodate Europe and AUS/NZ timezones), so mark your calendars! See you there!


Feb 05 2021


10:00 am - 11:00 am


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